The consortium chose CER3N as the title of its ambitious proposal which tackles the ensemble of the systems, methods and products that need to be put in place to Recycle, Revalorize and Reinvent the excavated molasse during the installation of the future circular collider of CERN.
A year ago, CERN announced its international “Mining the future®” competition to challenge participants on ideas about valorizing 23 tons of excavated molassic soil. MeduSoil joined a consortium led by Amberg Engineering and including Mobbot, Holcim, Bilger+partner, VSH and Pagani Lafranchi. The consortium’s proposal consisted, on one hand, of an efficient sorting system which tackles the heterogeneity of the Geneva molase and produces tailor-made soil compositions at reduced energy costs. On the other hand, the excavated soils which cannot be valorized for producing concrete, can be reused harnessing MeduSoil’s bio-binder™️ products and Mobbot’s Earth spraying technologies. The consortium was among the top four proposals that presented in detail their concept for valorising Molasse at the CERN Innovation center at the award ceremony.

The team behind the CER3N consortium at the award ceremony at CERN’s Globe of Science and Innovation in Geneva.
The past 12 months were only the beginning for this ambitious consortium which has put forward exciting ideas during the months preceding the “Mining the future®” challenge around the future of sustainable excavation and production of secondary raw materials which are developed based on excavation soil waste.
In case you missed it:
MeduSoil among the winners of the IMD startup challenge who join the IMD Silicon Valley immersion 🚀🌉