by | Sep 13, 2022 | Blog
The teams of MeduSoil, SUPSI and Tibio in MeduSoil’s production plant. From left to right: Benoit Pinot, Dr. Dimitrios Terzis, Camilla Perego, Coraline Imsand, Dr. Wolfgang Schwartzkopff, Roberto Perez, Sten Rettby, Dr. Pamela Principi, Dr. Roger König , Dr. Davide...
by | Dec 30, 2020 | Blog
January MeduSoil receives 125’000 CHF from the Swiss Climate Foundation. The funding supports product development and carbon certification until 2022. February We present use cases of our projects in the GeoCongress 2020, hosted by the American Society of Civil...
by | Dec 15, 2020 | Blog
After navigating MeduSoil to an industry-ready company with CHF 1 Million in non-dilutive funding, successful technology transfer and product development, the team around co-founders Dimitrios Terzis and Lyesse Laloui secures a seed investment: A Swiss family Holding,...